Friday, July 30, 2010

Here is the other side.

Journal # 20

My idea was to make one of those silly magazine articles on how to get a guy. I did it in fun so you can see some of my sarcasm. The text reads "how to snag a guy in 10 days." Next to the hand cream it reads, "Nothing is worse than man hands, Dry hands?", next to the lipgloss it says, "Have kissable lips and need lasting color?" Next to the food it says, "Make something yummy! show him you can cook." On the other side it says, "Wear your cute shoes, they make you stand straighter!" By the cookies is says, "Be sweet like a cookie!" It was sort of a play on the magazines and their silliness.

Journal #19

According to Visible Signs this is the definition of myth, "Myths were the result of meaning being generated by the groups in our society who have control of language and the media. These meanings are seen as a part of the natural order of things." (pg., 62) The ad I found is for Chanel's new perfume Chance. The background is white and the perfume is pink. There is a woman wrapped in flowers and ribbon hugging a giant bottle of it closing her eyes. The myth here is that pink, ribbions, and flowers are femine. The ad says if you wear this perfume you will be beautiful and femine. The Denotation is a woman and a bottle of perfume and the connotation is that this perfume is the ultimate in feminity. The ad is effective the ad makes me think if I wear this perfume I will be prettier.

journal # 18

The advertisment I found for this journal is for Tampax Pearl tampons. The ad has a background of a tennis court with a crownd and a net. There is a tennis player in white and a woman in green holding a red box that says, "Mother Nature's monthly gift." The text above mother nature and the tennis player, Serena Williams says, "Mother Nature has met her match." This ad is very effective because the text really delivers the point, If you use this tampon you will feel like you are not on your period. The colors are also very important. Serena is wearing white which says she isn't afraid to leak, Mother Nature is wearing green like nature, and the box is red representing the period. The ad also had a play on an a cultural saying of a monthly gift. The ad is very effective.
The next ad is for Arm and Hammer sonic recharge Spinbrush toothbrush. The background is blue which says reliable and clean--refreshing. The actually toothbrush is red which dictates power and energy. The toothbrush is highlighted with light blue rays of what the eye assumes to be light and make it appear that the brush is sent from Heaven or something. The ad all together is saying, "Buy me because I am a reliable and will clean your teeth like no other toothbrush can. I am sent from Heaven."

1 Page Ad

The advertisement I found is for Maybelline New York COLORsensational lipstain. The ad is actually a full two-page spread. The background is black and they used the lipstain to draw a flower in pink. The black makes the colors stand out and really stress the colors and their vibrancy.The ad is using different shades and tints of pink, purple, and orange. The color most definitely makes the ad because I notice the colors and the ad is for different colors of lipstain. It makes me want to find a shape that will match my skin tone which is what the ad is alluding to, find one of our tempting shades that is just right for you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Starbucks logo is green, white, and black. These colors say calming, sophisticated, and clean. They are a coffee shop so they want people to sit and be relaxed. The colors are achromatic. Their logo says to the consumer, "Drink our coffee and you will be sophisticated.

The target logo is two simple colors red and white. The white represent cleanliness and simpleness. The red represents excitement and power. The two work together to produce a feeling that says, "If I shop here it is clean and exciting!" The target shop says , "They have what I need, it is easy to shop here, it makes my life easier."
The colors are primary

The McDonald's logo consist of three colors red yellow and white. They use mostly primary colors. The yellow is the first thing that eye notices, which is the color of the arches-- which interesting resemble their french fries. The red stimulates the appetite, and the white calms the colors and makes it clean. The logo says to the consumer, "Eat here it is yummy and clean, YOU WILL ENJOY our food!!!!"

Friday, July 23, 2010

journal 12 13 14

This advertisement I did comes from Good Housekeeping magazine. This magazine is geared toward women for the most part. But even more specifically to women who have families. The target audience in general is a woman who likes to cook or likes the idea of cooking. I think of Leave it to Beaver’s mom. The advertisement is for a Neff oven. Their slogan is, “Writing kitchen history.” The advertisement is of a woman cooking a dinner for her family the picture is a sort of soft focus and it is in black and white. In red lettering it says, “ Friends say Lamb with sage, Rosemary, and lemon is my signature Dish.” On the other side (it is a two page spread) there is a picture of a oven opening and a quote that says, “ My new Slideway oven door means I can baste it really easily to keep it juicy.” The denotation of the ad is a woman cooking and an oven. The connotation of the ad is, if you buy this oven your life will be so easy, you will be a great cook with no effort, and your friends will be jealous of it all. The woman cooking was an index to the oven in that if you use the oven it will be a good mean: good oven good food.
The next advertisement comes from Marie Claire the magazine. Marie Claire’s target audience again is women. The Marie Claire woman is in her twenties to her thirties. She wants to be beautiful and hip. She most liking wears high end clothing…or wants to. This ad comes from Clinique and is for an uner-the-eye serum. In the background there are three cucumbers and the roll on serum with its lid on. There is a lot of type but in bold and large letters it says, “Cools. Comforts. A bright-eyed look.” The idea is that the serum works like the spa, it takes away dark circles but it also is relaxing, like when the spa puts cucumbers over your eyes. The fact that the lid is off means it is ready and easy to use. The myth would be that the serum is just a good as the spa and that cucumbers take dark circles under your eyes. It is a very simple ad but I think that it is very effective.
The next advertisement comes from the Yoga Journal. The target audience is a person that is aware of their health and their environment. This person is very active likes to eat organic food and shop at New Frontiers. They ride their bike and like to go on river trips (of course this is a generalization). It is sort of humorous that I found this ad because I have friends that fit the target audience and I joke with them that they all drive Subaru’s. The ad just so happens to be an ad for a Subaru. It has an old Subaru with streamers on it and on the back is written, “just married.” The metaphor is that the car takes you through life, it lasts a long time and is like a friend. Subarus are die hard friends if you will.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My own walk symbols!!!!!

I choose snooze or wake because it a decision i must make everyday! I think red in this case with the hearts connotates love. In the wake I put a sad face and a coffee cup. I think that the coffee cup could have been excuted better. The steam makes the "e" look a little like a "b". I used black because it is boring in this setting and connotates black and white: the boring everyday.
The Call or dont call is a question that I face everytime I am interested romanticly in someone...should I call them...should I not. The design is based on the walk don't walk sign. There is convention because the call sign is left on and the don't is off.
The paper or plastic is a classic and a given question so i had to do it. The two bags are icons and are denotations.
The bananna (everytime I spell banana, i always have to sing that song!!!!
B A N A N A S!) and bacon represent eating healthy or eating unhealthy. There is balance in the two and the arrow gives direction!...EAT HEALTHY!
The remote and the broom are also icons. I can either watch TV or I can clean.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Metaphor advertisment

The metaphor in this picture is a saw coming out of a laptop. What the metaphor in suggesting is that the laptop is sharp as in intelligent. It says the laptop is sleek in size and in style. It says it is dangerous in a good way. It says just like a saw the laptop will help you to create things. It says this laptop is a tool and you need me. This ad is very effective.

20 items

Ten items I cannot live without.
Since I am a very lucky girl who lives in America and particularly in Flagstaff I could not live without running water, or rather I would not want to. I love to cook and to bake so I could not live without an oven. I am a night owl so living at night without a lamp would terrible. This summer has been hot and again the light thing I could not live without the ceiling fan. The dishwasher is my best friend! Speaking of being a lucky girl not only could I not live without running water I could not live without the water heater. I hate when my house is dirty and a clean floor really helps with that so I would not like to live without a vacuum. I am a student so a life without coffee/espresso is a sad one, and honestly I don’t know that I would have my homework done without it. My cell phone because I am a very social person and also because it a safety thing. If my car breaks down I need to call someone. Last but not least In-door plumbing, enough said about that one!!!!

5 Emotions described in an image

Sad: I chose a dog because I think express sadness with their eyes. This is so true that we even have the saying puppy dog eyes. I think we as humans feel their sadness because they have no other motives. They are just sad unlike humans. Although we can be sad genuinely we sometimes have other motives in our sadness. Dogs do not they are just sad.
Joyous: I chose this little girl jumping in the water because she is joyous in her face and all the way down to her toes. I can almost hear her laugh. When I look at this image I feel joy.
Angry: Being angry is something that every human being feels. Some more frequent than others and some more intense. I think that there is a righteous anger, meaning there are times when you have a right to be angry. However you cannot be angry long before you act on that anger and that is NOT ok. I chose the fist because it looks like the person is ready to act on their anger making it an extreme anger, and for this assignment I think that is perfect. In order to see the emotion in a picture it has to be extreme.
Uninspired: I took this picture of my little sister when she spent the night at my house. We were doing some craft projects when she fell asleep. Nothing says uninspired like falling asleep. I also thought it was appropriate because she had all kinds of creative things around her and still she falls asleep. I also thought it was funny that she was wearing the eye cover.
Scared: I chose this image of a little girl because children are pure and innocent and when a little girl is covering her eyes in a corner in the way she is you can tell she is scared, but in turn the viewer is also scared for her. Also the picture has an impending danger to it which adds to the fear.

political statement

I chose vegetarianism because I think it is a very good thing! I wanted to do something positive!

Ransom note

Friday, July 9, 2010

journal # 2 little miss muffet

So this assignment was really fun!!!! I first did it in color and then I went back and read the directions and saw that it needed to be in black and white. I redid it but I don’t think it is as strong so I included both!

Journal # 5 Logo redo!

Recreating the signs was really fun but difficult at the same time. Some were easier than others but nonetheless hard. I think the reason they were so difficult to change because the symbols are so recognizable. I had to get the original symbols out of my head.
The easiest for me to recreate were the men and women’s bathroom. I tried to think of the symbols as art. In order to do that I looked at the differences between men and women. I remembered a saying that said Men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti. Meaning men think and talk in box. They deal with one box at a time, if they are talking about food then they don’t talk about anything else until they are done talking about food. For women the conversations are all intertwined food leads into make-up into history into past experiences and back into food; like spaghetti each noodle is touching another one. Hence the boxes and swirly shapes. Of course this notion is a generalization.
The janitor was another rather easy one. I thought about what janitors do. I came to the conclusion that they serve. Then my thoughts were, “How do the serve?” My answer was with their hands. I chose to do a close up of a hand and the palm more specifically because it is the heart of the hand. I chose blue for the “blues”, and the saying “true blue.” Blue gives the idea of stability.
The executive was harder. It was hard because I don’t know what that would look like. So I brainstormed executive and that corporate world. My conclusion was money and privilege. So I did something very simple a gold bar with Executive and an ellipsis.
Parking Garage and the exit signs are my weakest and also the hardest for me. Parking garage was hard because again I didn’t know what a parking garage logo looked like. So I just did a bird’s eye view of a parking lot. The exit sign was really hard because it is so recognizable and simple. I did an arrow and made it green to get a movement. But this was most definitely the hardest one to do.

Journal # 4 ARROWS!!!!!

In the article the author talks about the arrow and how common it is. The author mentioned that afer one starts to look for the arrows it becomes very hard to not see the arrows. I would agree. At first I had to really look for the arrows but after a while I could not help but see them. The article also talked about the evolution of the arrow. The symbol has been a around for hundreds of years and is very recognizable. But the meaning has changed. It once represented a weapon but now represents direction, It was once threatening but is now something that we see in our every day lives with absolutely no treat. In my pictures the arrows a presented a direction to go in. However the purpose for the direction all varied. In the monopoly game it tells the players which way to start and the direction to move the play pieces in. On the picture of the life game the arrows represent to different paths people can take in the game. On the food labels the arrow represent which way to open the container. The arrows also represent proof of freshness, like the two arrows on the salsa container. What I find really interesting is when the arrows represent an imaginary direction. Like the arrows on the CD player represent which direction I want to change the song to. I can’t touch or see the songs but I can control which direction the CD plays the songs in…I think is pretty cool…a conceptual arrow—and everyone recognizes these conceptual arrows!!!!!